Admin, pre-k, kindergarten, and grades 1-3 buildings

Grade 5


Meet The Teacher
Writing Math and Reading Reading
Expectations Science
Activities Student


1.   Be respectful to self and others.

2.  Be respectful to all property.

3.  Keep hand and feet to yourself.

4.  MYOB Mind Your Own Business. 

5.  Be responsible for your own actions.

6.  Desks closed during lessons and no heads on desk during instruction.

7.  No gum, pop, or candy.

8.  Be seated in desks at 8:25

9.  Remove hats when you enter the building and keep them off until dismissal at 3:15

10.  No fighting or arguing.

11. If you don't understand, ask right away.

12.  Always make an effort. 

© 2022 Theodore Jamerson Elementary School ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.